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My Ideas On How To Limit Mass Shootings AND The Availability Of Gun


I initially had no hope that more gun regulation would stop mass shootings because the only way to do this is to completely eliminate guns. My Ideas On How To Limit Mass Shootings AND The Availability Of Gun Then I began thinking of ideas for gun control, making sure to…

Brain Entrainment Device


Brain Entrainment Device This Device Basically Bypasses The Conscious Mind And Puts Information Straight Into The Subconscious Mind. The Brain Entrainment Device can be used with affirmations or subliminal cds for learning. The device balances all the meridian points in the body. Includes: * 2 Transducers (1 Bonus) + "Velcro"  * Fibonacci…

Achieving Optimum Health By Understanding Biological Frequencies


Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between two points. Everything has frequency. Achieving Optimum Health By Understanding Biological Frequencies     Robert 0. Becker, M.D ., the author of the book, The Body Electric validates that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a…

Using A Listening Device To Identify Direction Of Gunfire


In an unusual application of neuroscience research, police agencies around the country may soon be able to equip street corners with microphones and video cameras to fight gun-related crime. Using A Listening Device To Identify Direction Of Gunfire The system uses the equipment and a computer to recognize gunshots, pinpoint where…

A Users Guide To Immortality


Aging In Humans Reversed With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Aging, which happens over time in humans, has been biologically reversed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy, according to new research published in the journal Aging. Aging In Humans Reversed With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy   Scientists, led by Yafit Hachmo, from the Research and…

Spiritual Technology: A Users Guide For Walking A Labyrinth


A labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation. Labyrinths are thought to enhance right brain activity. Spiritual Technology: A Users Guide For Walking A Labyrinth     The Classical Seven Circuit Labyrinth in this example shows that you enter a labyrinth through the mouth and then walk…

Going Beyond The Mayan 2012 Prediction And Into The “Great Year”


We all know the two celestial motions that have a profound effect on life and consciousness. Diurnal motion, Earth's rotation on its axis, causes humans to move from a waking state to a sleep state and back again every twenty-four hours. Our bodies have adapted to Earth's rotation so well that it…

The Intention Experiment The Largest Mind-Over Matter Experiment In History


The Intention Experiment - The Largest Mind-Over Matter Experiment in History  Lynne McTaggart is one of the leaders of the New Thought movement, and her unique work provides a bridge between the worlds of science and spirituality. Anyone who has read her two best-selling books "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment" will…

Scientific Evidence For ESP. A World Where There Are No More Secrets!


When human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change. Scientific Evidence for ESP A. World Where There Are No More Secrets! Coherent Consciousness Creates Order In The World Subtle Interactions Link Us With Each Other And The Earth Related: The Global Consciousness Project Crystals: The…

Dropping Off The Grid: A Growing Movement In America Part IV


 How To Disappear In America Without A Trace Section 1: What I'll Be Discussing In This How-to Essay: There are many good reasons to want to disappear from society. There are many bad reasons to want to. There are many good ways to disappear from society and there are many…

Dropping Off The Grid: A Growing Movement In America Part III


5 Great Spots For Dropping Off The Grid: So you've decided you want to drop off the map and leave Big Brother behind. It's harder than ever in our always-connected world, but if you're ready to plan your big vanishing act, here are a few actual destinations to keep in…

Dropping Off The Grid: A Growing Movement In America Part II


So you've decided you want to drop off the map and leave Big Brother behind. It's harder than ever in our always-connected world, but if you're ready to plan your big vanishing act, here are a few tips to get you started. Dropping Off The Grid: A Growing Movement In America…