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For Some African Americans, Genetic Testing Reopens Past Wounds


A legacy of unethical studies complicates calls for greater participation by African Americans. For Some African Americans, Genetic Testing Reopens Past Wounds Late last year, Justina Crawford decided to swab the inside of her mouth for a saliva sample to do a DNA test. Ms. Crawford, a 30-year-old working in Boston…

As Suicide Rates Rise, Scientists Find New Warning Signs


Computer algorithms, biomarkers and other advanced techniques help flag trouble earlier. As Suicide Rates Rise, Scientists Find New Warning Signs Scientists are making headway in the search for solutions to one of the most vexing problems in mental health: How to predict who is at risk for suicide. Researchers are hunting…

Next Target For Hackers In 2024 Is Your Brain


(1). Hacking Our Brains Via Our Sense of Smell: Next Target For Hackers In 2024 Is Your Brain “Mind your wants 'cause there's someone that wants your mind”, George Clinton Ilana Hairston is a psychologist at The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo in Israel. She studies how the brain works when…

Opiate-Addicted Babies Are The New Crack Babies of 2020


Hospitals around the country are confronting an unsettling consequence of the prescription-pain-pill epidemic: a surge in the number of babies born dependent on drugs such as oxycodone. Hospitals in Florida and elsewhere are grappling with the latest fallout from the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse: babies born addicted to painkillers. The…

10 Innovations Of 2023 That Allow Patients To Take Back Control


Over the past decade, smartphones have radically changed many aspects of our everyday lives, from banking to shopping to entertainment. 10 Innovations Of 2023 That Allow Patients To Take Back Control Medicine is next. With innovative digital technologies, cloud computing and machine learning, the medicalized smartphone is going to upend…

Next Major Target For Hackers In 2023-24 Medical Data And Wireless Medical Devices


Next Great Target For Hackers And Digital Troublemakers In 2023-24 Is Health Care Records And Wireless Medical Devices. Next Major Target For Hackers In 2023-24 Medical Data And Wireless Medical Devices Hospitals Have Weak Security For Mobile Devices [embed][/embed] Many health-care organizations fail to protect patient information residing on personal…

Prevention And Detection of Electronic Harassment And Surveillance (PDEHS)


Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Wins Electronic Harassment Court Case. Prevention and Detection of Electronic Harassment and Surveillance (PDEHS) Related: Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts EMF Quiet Zones: Free From Electronic Harassment In USA & Worldwide Petition: Federal Law For The Prevention of Electronic Harassment States That Have…

How Do I Defeat Hidden Microphones And Voice Recorders?

admin When Defeating Hidden Microphones And Voice Recorders, Which Is better To Use White Noise Or Pink Noise?  Audio Nullifier Pro There are systems that advertise White Noise and some that advertise Pink Noise; this section will address the difference. White Noise has equal energy per frequency – the energy frequency spectrum is…

How Do I Know If I’ve Been Bugged?


Surveillance Demonstration Video: Counter Surveillance If any of the following warning signs apply and you are concerned about covert eavesdropping or wiretapping then it would be wise to contact to rent or purchase one of our state-of-the-art bug detection products. Are You A Potential Target?  1. If Eavesdropping On Anything You Say,…

The Benefits of Grounding or Earthing For Improved Health


[embed][/embed] “Earthing,” or “grounding” is the process of connecting with the earth’s primordial, healing energy to reduce inflammation and ultimately improve health by promoting electron balance in the body. In this article, we provide a more in-depth explanation of the cardiovascular benefits of grounding, looking specifically at the profound effects…

Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS): The Truth!


"Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible." Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS): The Truth! Andrew Weil, M.D., The reported symptoms of EHS include headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations…

Protect Your Home or Business From Lock Bumping


The videos on lock bumping are all over the Internet and on local news stations throughout the country. Protect Your Home or Business From Lock Bumping It is becoming common knowledge how to bypass a lock using the method called lock bumping. The spread of this information is causing great concern…