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President Barack Obama’s Response To My Letter Concerning America’s Lack of Focus on Alternative Energy Sources


Please see Barack Obama's response to my letter sent to him concerning America's efforts to diversify away from the reliance on fossil-fuels and instead focusing more on alternative energy sources : Dear Monty: Thank you for writing. I appreciate hearing from you, and I share the vision of millions of Americans…

Donate Now To Help Fund A Much Better World For All Of Us!


A Number of the Individuals Mentioned Below Are Working On Remarkable Projects That Could Very-Well Change The World, The Way We Live and Work! Donate Now To Help Fund A Much Better World For All Of Us! I Am Now And Will Be Working With More And More Of Them To…

Should Health Insurance Be Like Car Insurance?


Why healthcare providers should be rewarding healthy customers!  The health insurance issue is going to come front and center in the next few days, once everyone stops twittering about Iran and notices that the Senate is really hunkering down to attempt to overhaul how health insurance works in this country.…

Genius Thinkers Who Will Shape The 21st Century And Beyond


Genius Thinkers Who Will Shape The 21st Century And Beyond, Genius Thinkers Who Will Shape The 21st Century And Beyond *  Prof. John Searl: * Lynne McTaggart, Author of The Intention Experiment and "The Field " * Dianne Hennacy Powell M.D.  * Ingo Swann: Remote Viewer [embed][/embed]   * Hella Hammid: Remote Viewer * Dr. Harold Puthoff: Remote Viewer…

A Few Reasons Why I’m Bullish On Obama AND The US Economy


Today, A New Grassroots Organization Is Being Launched: Organizing For Action: Following in the footsteps of the campaign we built, organizing for action will be an unparalleled force in American politics. It will work to turn our shared values into legislative action -- and it'll empower the next generation of leaders…

Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapons? Part 1


This briefing presents the basic concepts of Soviet Scalar electromagnetic weapons, some of the major types available, and evidence of their widespread testing. – Scalar Electromagnetics is Electrogravitation - Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapons? Part 1 Scalar electromagnetics is an extension of present electromagnetics (EM) to include gravitation. That is,…

Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapons? Part 2


Sadly, the bureaucratic smugness of orthodox Western scientists has materially assisted the Soviet deception process. Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapons? Part 2 Lt. Col Thomas E . Bearden Most Western managerial scientists -particularly in weapons development activities – have continued to view the Soviets as ignorant peasants, still trying…

The Creature From Jekyll Island This Video Explains Why The U.S. Financial System is Corrupt and How It Came To Be That Way

admin "Let Me Issue And Control A Nation's Money And I Care Not Who Writes The Laws."Mayer Amschel Rothschild, "If The American People Ever Allow Private Banks To Control The Issue Of Their Currency, First By Inflation, Then By Deflation, The Banks And Corporations That Will Grow Up Around Them Will Deprive…

Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly Launch Battle Against Gun Lobby: No More ‘Fear’


Spread The Word Today By Asking Your Friends And Family To Join Us In Demanding Responsible Solutions To Reducing Gun Violence! Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly Launch Battle Against Gun Lobby: No More 'Fear' Share on Facebook or Tweet This  Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly have launched what they hope will…

Who’s Watching Who? gSpy vs. iSpy


Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark, thinks she's got problems? Who’s Watching Who? gSpy vs. iSpy [embed][/embed] Last week she complained that a family photo posted to Facebook had been circulated on Twitter without her authorization. Well, over a few hours around town that day I counted 57 cameras–at traffic lights, various…

Pharmaceuticals Found In Our Drinking Water!


A Vast Array Of Pharmaceuticals - Including Antibiotics, Anti-Convulsants, Mood Stabilizers And Sex Hormones - Have Been Found In The Drinking Water Supplies Of At Least 41 Million Americans. Pharmaceuticals Found In Our Drinking Water! To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts…

Fasting 101 Rebooting The Body’s Hard Drive Rejuvenating, Life-Extending And Removes Deadly Toxins


Fasting is a period of abstinence from all food or specific items. Fasting 101 Rebooting The Body's Hard Drive Rejuvenating, Life-Extending And Removes Deadly Toxins When Diet Is Wrong Medicine Is of No Use.When Diet Is Correct Medicine Is of No Need.~Ayurvedic Proverb  Intermittent Fasting 101 What is Fasting?  Fluids…