Prevention and Detection of Electronic Harassment
Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts
How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts? Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts All of us have been through this process, and the…
EMF Quiet Zones: Free From Electronic Harassment In USA & Worldwide
EMF-free communities are springing up in EMF Quiet Zones -- areas of low , (ideally zero) electrosmog -- across the world as the numbers of people becoming aware of their increasing electrosensitivity is growing. EMF Quiet Zones: Free From Electronic Harassment In USA & Worldwide Electrosensitivity (EHS) and Multiple Chemcial…
Petition: Federal Law For The Prevention of Electronic Harassment
Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Wins Electronic Harassment Court Case. Petition: Federal Law For The Prevention of Electronic Harassment [caption id="attachment_318" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Click Here To And Sign Our Petition[/caption] After a landmark court case, when a California Targeted Individual victim of a secret cell tower RF (radio frequency) based directed energy weapon,…
States That Have Electronic Harassment Penal Codes
Petition your state to adopt an electronic harassment penal code. Only three states have: States That Have Electronic Harassment Penal Codes 'Michigan Passes Anti Electronic Harassment Law Including Life in Prison' "Laws against electronic harassment — Electronic harassment is a term referring to the use of electronic devices to harass,…
Products For Targeted Individuals And Victims Suffering From Electronic Harassment
These Are Our Most Highly-recommended Products For Targeted Individuals And Victims Suffering From Electronic Harassment. Products For Targeted Individuals And Victims Suffering From Electronic Harassment [caption id="attachment_14880" align="aligncenter" width="165"] MAGNETIC, ELECTRIC, RADIO AND MICROWAVE DETECTOR [/caption] Don’t Be a Victim of Electronic Harassment! Quickly scan your home, office and car…
FCC Says 5G Doesn’t Pose New Cellphone-Radiation Threats
Agency maintains existing limits on radiation exposure from cellphones, network equipment. FCC Says 5G Doesn’t Pose New Cellphone-Radiation Threats The Federal Communications Commission has decided to allow the rollout of new 5G wireless networks without making changes to federal safety limits for cellphone-radiation exposure. The U.S. telecommunications regulator voted unanimously…
Patriot Act Renewal Sneaks Through Congress With BOTH Democratic And Republic Support
The Patriot Act originally included authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants, permission for law enforcement agencies to search a home or business without the occupant’s or owner’s consent, and permission for the FBI and NSA to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order. Since its passage, many…
Orgonite: The Cure For Cell Towers! (#GotBitcoin?)
I’ve just learned about an amazing but little known homemade compound structure that can protect people from cell towers. It’s called Orgonite, and you can make it at home. Orgonite: The Cure For Cell Towers! (#GotBitcoin?) According to the following text I found on the Internet, Orgonite has amazing properties!…
Limiting Or Avoiding Exposure To Dirty Electricity (Protect Yourself And Your Family)
Buy or Rent One Of Our Meters And Filter Out Electromagnetic Pollution As Necessary With One Of Our Filters. Limiting Or Avoiding Exposure To Dirty Electricity (Protect Yourself And Your Family) Do you suffer from symptoms of electrical sensitivity such as headaches, tiredness, poor short term memory, fatigue, depression, nausea,…
Brain Scans Can Detect Who Has Better Skills (#GotBitcoin?)
Experts say newly published research represents a step toward systems that can assess levels of expertise and competence using neurological data. Brain Scans Can Detect Who Has Better Skills To gain new insight into how highly specialized workers learn skills or react to stressful situations, researchers are leveraging advanced scanning technologies…
Prevention And Detection of Electronic Harassment And Surveillance (PDEHS)
Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Wins Electronic Harassment Court Case. Prevention and Detection of Electronic Harassment and Surveillance (PDEHS) Related: Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts EMF Quiet Zones: Free From Electronic Harassment In USA & Worldwide Petition: Federal Law For The Prevention of Electronic Harassment States That Have…
Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS): The Truth!
"Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible." Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS): The Truth! Andrew Weil, M.D., The reported symptoms of EHS include headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations…