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What The HEX: A Look at Richard Heart’s Controversial New Crypto (#CryptoScam)


HEX is a new financial tool and cryptocurrency launching on the Ethereum network via a Bitcoin UTXO snapshot on December 2. Critics are questioning HEX’s legitimacy, calling it a colossal cash grab and privacy compromise. What The HEX: A Look at Richard Heart’s Controversial New Crypto (#CryptoScam) Devout fans can’t…

U.S. Government Seeks To Do More Online Shopping


Walmart, eBay also eye a foothold in federal purchases that could reach $50 billion a year. U.S. Government Seeks To Do More Online Shopping The Trump administration is testing a new method for federal agencies to buy office supplies and other goods online, a move that could give Amazon. com…

Bitcoin Advertised On French National TV


French national broadcasting channels are currently airing Bitcoin adverts multiple times a day. Bitcoin Advertised On French National TV The ads, which are promoting the services of crypto company Keplerk, were first spotted on French national TV channel TF1. Keplerk announced earlier this year that it would be facilitating the…

Black Friday Arrives Without The Mad Rush


Natalie Mendo, a 24-year-old student in Queens, N.Y., went shopping on Thanksgiving to see how the prices in her local mall stacked up against what she has seen online. “I’ll see if there’s anything really great,” she said at a crowded New York City mall. “If not, I’ll go home…

Germany: New Proposed Law Would Legalize Banks Holding Bitcoin


A new bill in Germany could enable banks to support the sale and custody of Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies by 2020. Germany: New Proposed Law Would Legalize Banks Holding Bitcoin German news agency Handelsblatt reported on Nov. 27 that the bill now requires consensus from the country’s 16 states,…

U.S. Cyber Officials Give Holiday Shopping Advice For Consumers


Homeland Security sees public awareness as important defense as hackers, scammers seek advantage in surge of online shopping. U.S. Cyber Officials Give Holiday Shopping Advice For Consumers U.S. national-security officials are urging consumers to make smart cybersecurity choices while shopping over the holidays, such as sticking to reputable retailers and…

How To Earn And Spend Bitcoin On Black Friday 2019


The holiday shopping season is upon us, and bitcoin users now have more opportunities than ever before to spend and earn their digital loot. How To Earn And Spend Bitcoin On Black Friday 2019 Many cryptocurrency exchanges slash rates and trading fees over the long Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S.…

Ultimate Resource For Charities And Organizations Accepting Bitcoin And Crypto-Currency Donations


Help us celebrate the chance to impact global philanthropy buy donating Bitcoin and crypto-currencies. Don’t just Hodl bitcoin this year, donate it. Ultimate Resource For Charities And Organizations Accepting Bitcoin And Crypto-Currency Donations BitGive You’re now able to choose BitGive as a nonprofit to support through Facebook for your birthday!…

The Ultimate List of Bitcoin Developments And Accomplishments


Bitcoin Information & Resources (#GotBitcoin?) $56.3K Bitcoin Price And $1Trillion Market Cap Signal BTC Is Here To Stay Christie’s Auction House Will Now Accept Cryptocurrency Why A Chinese New Year Bitcoin Sell-Off Did Not Happen This Year The US Federal Reserve Will Adopt Bitcoin As A Reserve Asset Motley Fool…

Project Stormfury AKA Controlling Hurricanes, Tornadoes And Earthquakes


Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodide. The project was run by the United States Government from 1962 to 1983. Project Stormfury AKA Controlling Hurricanes When The U.S. Tried To Control Hurricanes From the 1940s to the 1970s,…

Patriot Act Renewal Sneaks Through Congress With BOTH Democratic And Republic Support


The Patriot Act originally included authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants, permission for law enforcement agencies to search a home or business without the occupant’s or owner’s consent, and permission for the FBI and NSA to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order. Since its passage, many…

Police Officers “Forget” To Book Photographs, Surveillance Video And/Or Audio Recordings Into Evidence


A defense attorney who uncovered systemic problems with Orange County sheriff’s deputies failing to book evidence properly Monday doubted the sincerity of Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer’s pledge to root out the problem. Police Officers "Forget" To Book Photographs, Surveillance Video And/Or Audio Recordings Into Evidence Spitzer sent a…