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Affordable Housing Crisis Spreads Throughout World (#GotBitcoin)


Demand For Affordable Housing Has Spurred Architecture And Construction Firms To Develop New Techniques, Such As These Y:Cube Modular Units In The U.K. Affordable Housing Crisis Spreads Throughout World (#GotBitcoin) Shortages persist despite millions of dollars invested and hundreds of thousands of units built. Affordable Housing Crisis Spreads Throughout World…

Fed To Cut Interest Rates, Resume Bond-Buying To Stimulate Growth (#GotBitcoin?)


President Trump on Friday repeated his call for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates and said it should restart buying assets to stimulate growth. Fed To Cut Interest Rates, Resume Bond-Buying To Stimulate Growth (#GotBitcoin?) ‘In terms of quantitative tightening, it should absolutely now be quantitative easing.’ “In terms…

Wells Fargo Paid Colleges To Aggressively Market Products To Students Pushing Them Into Debt (#Gotbitcoin?)


April, dubbed National Financial Literacy Month, is traditionally when the personal finance and banking industries celebrate the benefits of knowing how to manage your money. Wells Fargo Paid Colleges To Aggressively Market Products To Students Pushing Them Into Debt (#Gotbitcoin?) A new report delves into the world of deals between…

Hemp Clothing Is Happening, and No, It Won’t Get You High (#GotBitcoin?)


Once sullied by its associations with seedy drug culture, the irreproachable hemp plant is gaining ground in summer fabrics that rival wrinkly linen. Hemp Clothing Is Happening, and No, It Won’t Get You High (#GotBitcoin?) More Than Just A Weed Hemp Jacket, $129, Patagonia.Com; Glanshirt Shirt, $355, Slowear.Com; Hemp Pants,…

States Sue Trump Administration Over Rollback of School-Lunch Nutrition Standards (#GotBitcoin?)


As USDA seeks to ease Obama-era rules on whole-grain foods and sodium content, Democratic attorneys general challenge on administrative grounds. States Sue Trump Administration Over Rollback of School-Lunch Nutrition Standards (#GotBitcoin?) Six states and the District of Columbia sued the Trump administration in federal court on Wednesday for attempting to…

There Is Now Scientific Proof Your Cat Is Ignoring You (#GotBitcoin?)


La-Z-Bonz New study finds felines can distinguish their names, even if they don’t come when called; twitching ears. There Is Now Scientific Proof Your Cat Is Ignoring You (#GotBitcoin?) Researchers spent months getting to the bottom of an eternal question: Is my cat ignoring me? You Talking To Me? The…

How To Shop For Travel Insurance? (#GotBitcoin)


There are more reasons than ever to get coverage before a big trip—and at least as many reasons to shop extra carefully to avoid the wrong choice. How To Shop For Travel Insurance? (#GotBitcoin) Recent events have sparked interest in travel insurance. And they’ve also fired up scrutiny of the…

Anticipating A Recession, Trump Points Fingers At Fed Chairman Powell (#GotBitcoin?)


President Trump is blaming the Federal Reserve for holding back the economy and stock market despite the central bank’s recent decision to do two things he wanted—halt rate increases and stop shrinking its asset portfolio. Anticipating A Recession, Trump Points Fingers At Fed Chairman Powell (#GotBitcoin?) The president blasted the…

The Global Consciousness Project


When human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change. The Global Consciousness Project Quantum event based random number generators (RNGs) produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes…

Why Bitcoin’s Price Suddenly Surged Back $5K (#GotBitcoin?)


The crypto market sprang back to life with bitcoin’s surge to nearly 5-month highs yesterday. But why? Why Bitcoin’s Price Suddenly Surged Back $5K (#GotBitcoin?) To those who have been paying attention to the charts, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. The leading cryptocurrency by market value jumped nearly $1,000 to…

Fake News: A Perfectly Good Retail Sales Report (#GotBitcoin?)


U.S. retail sales disappointed in February, but the overall picture is surprisingly strong. Fake News: A Perfectly Good Retail Sales Report (#GotBitcoin?) Fake News: What initially looked like a bad retail sales report was actually pretty good. Retail sales fell 0.2% in February from a month earlier, the Commerce Department…

Poll: April Is Financial Literacy Month. How Financially Literate Are You?


In recognition of Financial Literacy Month in April, CNBC’s Invest in You: Ready. Set. Grow., a financial wellness initiative in partnership with Acorns, will offer a variety of actionable personal finance content aimed at helping empower people to develop savings strategies. Poll: April Is Financial Literacy Month. How Financially Literate Are…