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Bitcoin Miners Made $14 Billion To Date Securing The Network (#GotBitcoin?)


All-time revenue for Bitcoin (BTC) miners has topped $14 billion, according to fresh data from Coin Metrics. Bitcoin Miners Made $14 Billion To Date Securing The Network (#GotBitcoin?) As Yahoo! Finance reported on Aug. 30, despite the massive increase in the network’s hash rate — a factor that depresses the…

Parts of America Are Already In Recession (#GotBitcoin?)


Slowdowns in housing construction and manufacturing are ominous. Parts of America Are Already In Recession (#GotBitcoin?) IT CAN BE hard to know when isolated announcements become something more. Since last November General Motors has cut several thousand factory jobs at plants across the Midwest. In early August US Steel said…

Why Does Amazon Want To Hire Blockchain Experts For Its Ads Division?


Earlier this month, Amazon announced plans to hire blockchain experts for its advertising division. But how can the use of blockchain technology possibly resolve the pain points in the advertising industry? Why Does Amazon Want To Hire Blockchain Experts For Its Ads Division? For the crypto industry, which is worth…

Trump’s Tariffs Are Producing Billions, But China Isn’t Paying (#GotBitcoin?)


President Donald Trump is right to say that his tariffs are generating billions of dollars for the U.S. But China and other countries aren’t paying them as he’s suggested. Trump’s Tariffs Are Producing Billions, But China Isn’t Paying (#GotBitcoin?) Trump’s comments have suggested the U.S. is benefiting without paying, such…

A Manufacturing Recession Is Here. Now What? (#GotBitcoin?)


With the U.S.-China trade war sapping demand, companies have limited options for protecting profits. Plus, more industrial insights. A Manufacturing Recession Is Here. Now What? (#GotBitcoin?) The escalation of U.S.-China trade tensions has pushed the American manufacturing sector to the brink of a recession and there’s little to stop it…

As Argentina’s Economy Enters Into Technical Default Bitcoin Comes To The Rescue


Alberto Fernández in interview partly blames IMF for country’s financial crisis and pledges higher wages and pensions. As Argentina’s Economy Enters Into Technical Default Bitcoin Comes To The Rescue Argentina’s presidential front-runner said the government’s new plan to restructure its short-term debt shows the country is virtually insolvent, as a…

Australian Coder Warns Users of Lightning Network’s Vulnerabilities (#GotBitcoin?)


Australian software programmer and Bitcoin’s (BTC) Lightning Network coder Rusty Russell warned users that “security issues have been found in various Lightning projects which could cause loss of funds.” Australian Coder Warns Users of Lightning Network’s Vulnerabilities (#GotBitcoin?) Urgent Update Recommended On Aug. 30, Russell published a tweet urging LN…

Banks Monitor Older Customers For Cognitive Decline


Financial institutions are watching older customers for any early signs that cognitive impairment could put them at risk of financial exploitation. Banks Monitor Older Customers For Cognitive Decline Banks, brokerage firms and other financial institutions are starting to monitor older customers for mental capacity and susceptibility to fraud. But then…

Scientists Put A Face On An Ancient Human Ancestor (#GotBitcoin?)


A cranium 3.8 million years old helps fill out the picture of the earliest human skull from an era with a nearly-vacant fossil record. Scientists Put A Face On An Ancient Human Ancestor (#GotBitcoin?) Scientists on Wednesday announced their discovery of a face from the earliest moments of human evolution:…

Aides Admit Trump Was Faking Those “Phone Calls” With China (#GotBitcoin?)


The president was reportedly “eager to project optimism that might boost markets,” which should hearten the Chinese. Aides Admit Trump Was Faking Those “Phone Calls” With China (#GotBitcoin?) At last week’s G7 summit in Biarritz, Donald Trump gave an entire network of world leaders whiplash when he declared, contrary to…

Fraudsters Used AI To Mimic CEO’s Voice In Unusual Cybercrime Case (#GotBitcoin?)


Scams using artificial intelligence are a new challenge for companies. Fraudsters Used AI To Mimic CEO’s Voice In Unusual Cybercrime Case (#GotBitcoin?) Criminals used artificial intelligence-based software to impersonate a chief executive’s voice and demand a fraudulent transfer of €220,000 ($243,000) in March in what cybercrime experts described as an…

Blockchain-Based Fractional Ownership Used To Sell High-End Art (#GotBitcoin)


A Korean start-up will be fractionally selling two works by David Hockney in September. Blockchain-Based Fractional Ownership Used To Sell High-End Art (#GotBitcoin) Gangnam, Seoul-based Artbloc this month acquired Focus Moving, 2018 and Pictured Gathering with Mirror, 2018. It will be issuing 8,500 tokens for the former and 5,000 for…