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Health And Fitness

Over-Diagnosis And Over-Treatment Of Cancer In America Reaches Crisis Levels (#GotBitcoin?)


Debate Among Doctors Looks at Whether Zealous Screening Leads to Over-treatment. Over-Diagnosis And Over-Treatment Of Cancer In America Reaches Crisis Levels Early detection has long been seen as a powerful weapon in the battle against cancer. But some experts now see it as double-edged sword. While it's clear that early-stage cancers…

Fighting Cancer By Releasing The Brakes On The Immune System


Cancer immunotherapy comes in several forms. The drugs sparking the most interest are called checkpoint inhibitors. Fighting Cancer By Releasing The Brakes On The Immune System They work by releasing the natural brakes on the immune system, enabling its foot soldiers, called T cells, to attack tumors. “It’s the most…

Cancer Super-Survivors Use Their Own Bodies To Fight The Disease (#GotBitcoin?)


Cancer Super-Survivors Use Their Own Bodies To Fight The Disease (#GotBitcoin?) Collaborations Provide Major Advance in Cancer Treatment Researchers may have solved a puzzle about which patients will benefit from immunotherapy. Cancer Super-Survivors Use Their Own Bodies To Fight The Disease (#GotBitcoin?) A collaboration between an immunologist helping his stepmother fight cancer…

Ayurvedic (Holistic) Medicine Has 5000 Years of Experience Over Western Medicine (#GotBitcoin)


Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. Ayurvedic (Holistic) Medicine Has 5000 Years of Experience Over Western Medicine (#GotBitcoin)Although suppressed during years of foreign occupation, Ayurveda has been enjoying a major resurgence in both its native land and throughout…

The Next Big Thing In Medical Lab Tests Will Focus On C-Reactive Proteins And Telomere Length Measurement


What Are Telomeres? The Next Big Thing In Medical Lab Tests Will Focus On C-Reactive Proteins And Telomere Length Measurement Repeated DNA that forms protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes, telomeres perform a similar role to the plastic tip at the end of a shoelace. Like these plastic…

Ultimate Resource On “Havana Syndrome” Including New Cases of The Mysterious Illness (#GotBitcoin)


Canada said Thursday another Cuba-based diplomat is experiencing mysterious health symptoms, prompting officials to review their diplomatic presence in the country. Ultimate Resource On "Havana Syndrome" Including New Cases of The Mysterious Illness (#GotBitcoin) [embed][/embed] The envoy is experiencing mysterious health symptoms, prompting Ottawa to review its diplomatic presence in…

Companies Are Tapping The Brakes On High-Deductible Health-Care Plans (#GotBitcoin?)


Now there are signs that some companies are tapping the brakes on deductibles. A survey by the National Business Group on Health this year found that the share of employers planning to offer only high-deductible health plans was set to drop by 9 percentage points next year, to 30%. That…

Which Is Better Fish Oil or Krill Oil?


There has been a lot of health experts recently advocating strongly for krill oil as an allegedly superior alternative to fish oil as a source for omega-3s. Which Is Better Fish Oil or Krill Oil? Phospholipid Omega-3's Brain-DHA Advantage   Today we are going to get into the nitty gritty…

As California STD Rates Skyrocket, AHF Highlights New ‘Gonorrhea Alert’ Billboards (#GotBitcoin?)


As California’s Department of Public Health reports an all-time high number of cases of STDs in the state, AHF unveils its latest STD prevention and treatment awareness campaign targeting gonorrhea. New billboards were prompted by a case of super-resistant strain of gonorrhea reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) as…

Chinese Scientist Claims World’s First Genetically Modified Babies


A Chinese scientist claims to have produced the world’s first genetically modified babies, stirring alarm among doctors who warn such experiments using nascent DNA-editing technology pose too many health and ethical risks. Chinese Scientist Claims World’s First Genetically Modified Babies Scientific community expresses alarm, warning that experiments using nascent DNA-editing…

Crystals: The Missing Link Between Mysticism and Technology


I WANT TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY TO REPLACE MYSTICISM WITH KNOWLEDGE. Crystals: The Missing Link Between Mysticism and Technology Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among…

Carolyn’s Natural Organic Handmade Soap. Lather Is Medicine


Not all soaps are made the same. There are some that are good for you and some that may do more harm than good. Soap entrepreneur and cancer survivor Carolyn Aranda can attest to this. Lather Is The Best Medicine Since being diagnosed with stage 1 uterine cancer about 30…