Advertisers Allege Facebook Failed to Disclose Key Metric Error For More Than A Year (#GotBitcoin?)
Facebook knew of problems with how it measured viewership of video ads for more than a year before it revealed them in 2016, according to a complaint filed by advertisers. Advertisers Allege Facebook Failed to Disclose Key Metric Error For More Than A Year (#GotBitcoin?) The filing followed…
Fidelity Says It Will Trade Bitcoin for Hedge Funds (#GotBitcoin?)
The firm’s Digital Asset Services unit will deal in bitcoin and ether, the two largest digital currencies. Fidelity Says It Will Trade Bitcoin for Hedge Funds (#GotBitcoin?) Fidelity Investments said it will store and trade bitcoin for hedge funds and other professional investors, becoming one of the first Wall Street…
Warren Releases DNA Analysis Showing Evidence of Native American Heritage (#GotBitcoin?)
Democratic senator refutes President Trump’s assertion that she has been lying about family history. Warren Releases DNA Analysis Showing Evidence of Native American Heritage Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) released the results of a DNA analysis Monday indicating “strong evidence” she has Native American ancestry in a high-profile effort to refute…
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% In Fiscal 2018 Sets A Record
The federal deficit widened last year amid higher government spending—including rising interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military—and flat revenues following last year’s tax cut. U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% In Fiscal 2018 Sets A Record In 2019 (#GotBitcoin?) Tax-law changes led to flat revenue in…
David vs Goliath or James McAndrews vs Federal Reserve (#GotBitcoin?)
TNB USA asks federal court to order regional reserve bank to open an account that the bank needs to carry out its business strategy. David vs Goliath or James McAndrews vs Federal Reserve A new bank is suing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, saying it is unfairly preventing the…
Why Are Blacks Afraid To Push For Complete Police Reform? (#GotBitcoin)
Security Expert Says, "Confidence In Local Police Depts. Reaches A 30yr. Low" Why Are Blacks Afraid To Push For Complete Police Reform? (#GotBitcoin) The two largest issues with police in America is the "Qualified Immunity" protections combined with a militarized police force. The problem is so bad that even officers…
Companies Betting on Pot May Be Worse Off When the Smoke Clears (#GotBitcoin)
Beer and liquor companies are investing in marijuana in case customers imbibe less as legalization spreads, but their cannabis push might be a lose-lose proposition. Companies Betting on Pot May Be Worse Off When the Smoke Clears The cannabis investing frenzy has reached a fever pitch. With recreational marijuana use becoming…
Meet The Scientists Bringing Extinct Species Back From The Dead (#GotBitcoin)
New gene-editing technology could revive everything from the passenger pigeon to the woolly mammoth. But should scientists be playing God? Meet The Scientists Bringing Extinct Species Back From The Dead (#GotBitcoin) The pigeons are outwardly unremarkable. Thirteen birds, ages two weeks to three months, occupy a coop at an animal…
Emerging Field of Social Physics Shows Promise In Cybercrime Detection (#GotBitcoin?)
A few weeks ago I wrote about social physics, a new discipline that aims to help us better understand and predict the behavior of human groups. Social physics is based on the premise that all event-data representing human activity contain a special set of group behavior patterns. As long as…
Poor Cyber Practices Plague The Pentagon (#GotBitcoin?)
Good day, CIOs. Or perhaps we should say, goodbye, because the results are in from a U.S. Government Accountability Office cybersecurity study of the Defense Department's newest weapons systems. They are not encouraging. "DOD likely has an entire generation of systems that were designed and built without adequately considering cybersecurity,"…
Don’t Be Haunted by Digital Ghosts: Delete Your Old Accounts (#GotBitcoin?)
We face constant reminders that our personal data is scattered all over the internet. Here’s how to reduce your exposure. Don’t Be Haunted by Digital Ghosts: Delete Your Old Accounts The recent revelations of exposed Google+ data and compromised Facebook security serve as stark reminders that many of us have a…
The $210 Billion Risk In Your 401(k) (#GotBitcoin?)
Annual defaults on loans taken against investors’ 401(k)s threaten to reduce the wealth in U.S. retirement accounts by about $210 billion when the lost savings are compounded over employees’ careers. The $210 Billion Risk In Your 401(k) (#GotBitcoin?) Annual defaults on loans taken against investors’ 401(k)s threaten to reduce the…