How To Shop For Travel Insurance? (#GotBitcoin)
There are more reasons than ever to get coverage before a big trip—and at least as many reasons to shop extra carefully to avoid the wrong choice. How To Shop For Travel Insurance? (#GotBitcoin) Recent events have sparked interest in travel insurance. And they’ve also fired up scrutiny of the…
The Global Consciousness Project
When human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change. The Global Consciousness Project Quantum event based random number generators (RNGs) produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes…
Number of Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surges To Escape Oppressive Financial Compliance And Tax Rules (#GotBitcoin)
A record 4,279 individuals renounced their U.S. citizenship or long-term residency in 2015, according to data released by the Treasury Department. Number of Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surges To Escape Oppressive Financial Compliance And Tax Rules (#GotBitcoin) The Tools To Control The Masses Are Either To Print Money or Raise Taxes,…
My Cat Allergy Is Killing Me, But Cupcake Stays (#GotBitcoin)
Pet lovers endure runny noses, watery eyes, rashes and difficulty breathing to keep their animals close; ‘there are no boundaries’. My Cat Allergy Is Killing Me, But Cupcake Stays (#GotBitcoin) [caption id="attachment_9424" align="aligncenter" width="393"] La-Z-Bonz[/caption] When Olivia Lanes’s allergy test came back positive for cats and dogs, she…
The Nemesis of The Rainforests: Peace (#GotBitcoin?)
From Peru to Indonesia, the end of military conflict has enabled new development that hurts tropical ecosystems. The Nemesis of The Rainforests: Peace (#GotBitcoin?) When Colombia’s government signed a peace deal with leftist guerrillas in 2016, it ended one of the world’s longest-running conflicts and inspired hope for the country’s…
The FCC Fined Robocallers $208 Mil. It’s Collected $6,790 Ajit Pai, FCC Chairman Is Incompetent (#GotBitcoin)
America’s telecommunications watchdogs have levied hefty financial penalties against illegal robocallers and demanded that bad actors repay millions to their victims. But years later, little money has been collected. The FCC Fined Robocallers $208 Mil. It’s Collected $6,790 Ajit Pai, FCC Chairman Is Incompetent (#GotBitcoin) [caption id="attachment_11299" align="aligncenter" width="600"] FCC…
The Malibu House That Was Prepared For One of The State’s Worst Wildfires (#GotBitcoin?)
Phillip Vogt packed his new dream estate with five bedrooms, a wine library—and every fire-safe feature he could think of. Then the Woolsey Fire came. The Malibu House That Was Prepared For One of The State’s Worst Wildfires (#GotBitcoin?) On the morning of Nov. 9, Phillip Vogt got a phone…
How To Help Tropical Cyclone Victims In Mozambique, Zimbabwe And Malawi (#GotBitcoin?)
Mozambique says cholera cases up to 271 in cyclone-hit city. How To Help Tropical Cyclone Victims In Mozambique, Zimbabwe And Malawi (#GotBitcoin?) Mozambique says cholera cases now up to 271 in cyclone-hit city as vaccines are rushed in. Cholera cases among cyclone survivors in Mozambique have jumped to 271,…
$5 Billion A Year Market For DisInformation (#GotBitcoin?)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-Qc5Umpx7o&list=PLU1KxUVqGmaNnfPsD2sDxiTW3j14nWXJ4[/embed] Aglaya's latest product, dubbed SpiderMonkey, a device that detects “Stingrays” or IMSI-catchers, the surveillance gizmos used by police and intelligence around the world to track and intercept cellphone data. $5 Billion A Year Market For DisInformation (#GotBitcoin?) But Aglaya had much more to offer, according to its brochure. For eight to…
New Evidence For The Vibration Theory Of Smell
The predictive power and galvanizing influence that theoretical models routinely enjoy in physics is only rarely replicated in biology. New Evidence For The Vibration Theory Of Smell Lord Raleigh's theory of sound perception, Francis Crick's sequence and adapter hypotheses, and Hodgkin and Huxley's model of the electrical dynamics of…
International Student Enrollment Drops For Second Year, Report Says (#GotBitcoin?)
Institutions that primarily offer masters degrees but not doctorates are hardest hit. International Student Enrollment Drops For Second Year, Report Says (#GotBitcoin?) The international market for U.S. graduate education is softening. For the second year in a row the number of students from abroad who enrolled in U.S. graduate schools…
Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan Steps Down (#GotBitcoin?)
[caption id="attachment_9353" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Elizabeth Warren On Tim Sloan Leaving Wells Fargo: 'About Damn Time'[/caption] General counsel, C. Allen Parker, will be interim CEO as bank searches externally for permanent chief. Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan Steps Down (#GotBitcoin?) [caption id="attachment_9354" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Elizabeth Warren On Tim Sloan Leaving…