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DirectPath Rewards Patients For Finding A Cheaper Procedure (#GotBitcoin?)


When Kathy Stilp had her annual mammogram last year, she chose one of the lower-cost options in her area — and was cut an $80 check for her efforts. Stilp normally would have no incentive to do so. As screenings intended to help detect breast cancer, mammograms are preventative procedures,…

On Hold for 45 Minutes? It Might Be Your Secret Customer Score (#GotBitcoin?)


Retailers, wireless carriers and others crunch data to determine what shoppers are worth for the long term—and how well to treat them. Two people call customer service at the same time to complain about the same thing. One waits a few seconds before a representative gets on the line. The…

What Will Banks Do With Cash Freed Up by Rule Changes? No One Knows (#GotBitcoin?)


Fed proposal to ease short-term cash requirements for big banks heads into uncertain territory. Regulators plan to pare back requirements that banks keep billions of dollars of cash on hand to pay short-term bills. No one knows for sure what will happen next. The liquidity coverage ratio rule was invented…

China Supersizes Detention Camps In Xinjiang Despite International Criticism (#GotBitcoin)


Satellite Imagery Shows Footprint Of 28 Internment Centers Has Increased Significantly Since 2016: Report. China Supersizes Detention Camps In Xinjiang Despite International Criticism (#GotBitcoin) Chinese authorities aggressively expanded the scale of internment camps in Xinjiang this year, according to a new study, even as China’s program of mass detentions of…

Americans Find Consequences Of Having Been Arrested (Charges Dropped or Not) Can Last a Lifetime (#GotBitcoin?)


America Has A Rap Sheet Even If Charges Were Dropped, A Lingering Arrest Record Can Ruin Chances of A Job Over the past 20 years, authorities have made more than a quarter of a billion arrests, the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates. As a result, the FBI currently has 77.7…

U.S. Market-Manipulation Cases Reach Record (#GotBitcoin)


CFTC and Justice Department target spoofing and other illegal tactics, helped by data-sharing deal with key exchange. U.S. Market-Manipulation Cases Reach Record (#GotBitcoin) Federal regulators have ramped up their pursuit of traders who use a bluffing tactic known as spoofing to manipulate market prices, enforcement officials said, leading to a…

US Charges Chinese Agents In Hacking Scheme, More Cases Expected (#GotBitcoin)


Prosecutors targeting hacking group previously linked to Beijing. US Charges Chinese Agents In Hacking Scheme, More Cases Expected (#GotBitcoin) Federal prosecutors unsealed charges against 10 Chinese intelligence officers and other individuals Tuesday, accusing them of engaging in a persistent campaign to hack into U.S. aviation companies in Arizona, Massachusetts, Oregon…

October’s Market Rout Leaves Stock, Bond And Real Estate Investors With No Place To Hide (#GotBitcoin?)


Triple breakdown in stock, real estate and bond prices has upended investors’ traditional safety tool kit, leaving many with losses. October’s Market Rout Leaves Stock, Bond And Real Estate Investors With No Place To Hide A brutal October selloff across stocks and bonds has tested investors’ resolve in a way not…

Home Prices Continue To Lose Momentum (#GotBitcoin?)


Gains fell below 6% in August as slowdown in housing market becomes more widespread. Annual home-price gains fell below 6% for the first time in a year in August, another sign that the slowdown in the housing market is becoming widespread and is likely to persist in the months to…

Credit-Card Spending Limits In The Crosshairs As Issuers Grow Cautious (#GotBitcoin)


Capital One and Discover are pulling back on some consumers as economy ‘almost feels too good to be true’. Credit-Card Spending Limits In the Crosshairs As Issuers Grow Cautious (#GotBitcoin) Two of the biggest credit-card issuers are tightening lending standards, an unusual move in a strong economy that may signal…

Treasury Expects To Issue Over $1 Trillion In Debt In 2018 (#GotBitcoin?)


Debt issuance this year could be highest since 2010, the Treasury said, as higher government spending and stagnant tax revenues have pushed the deficit higher. Treasury Expects To Issue Over $1 Trillion In Debt In 2018 The U.S. Treasury Department estimates it will issue more than $1 trillion in debt this…

U.S. Economy Flashes Signs It’s Downhill From Here (#GotBitcoin?)


A slowdown in growth would have big implications for stocks, the Fed and President Trump. U.S. Economy Flashes Signs It’s Downhill From Here What if that was as good as it gets? The Commerce Department reported Friday that U.S. gross domestic product expanded at a 3.5% annual rate in the third…