Economics And Finance
Buffett ‘Killed His Reputation’ by Being Stupid About BTC, Says Max Keiser (#GotBitcoin)
One of the most successful investors of all time, Warren Buffett might be killing his reputation by being so harsh on Bitcoin, Max Keiser believes. Buffett ‘Killed His Reputation’ by Being Stupid About BTC, Says Max Keiser (#GotBitcoin) Warren Buffett, the fifth-richest person on the planet, has repeatedly expressed his…
WeWork Troubles Take Deeper Bite Out of SoftBank (#GotBitcoin?)
Japanese tech investor now expects $8.4 billion loss for recently ended fiscal year after it backed loans for shared-office company. WeWork Troubles Take Deeper Bite Out of SoftBank (#GotBitcoin?) SoftBank Group Corp. 9984 -0.54% said steeper-than-expected losses on office-share firm WeWork pushed its expected net loss for the latest fiscal…
Is This A Liquidity Crisis Or A Solvency Crisis? It Matters To Fed (#GotBitcoin?)
[caption id="attachment_17462" align="aligncenter" width="600"] ‘We Can’t Lend To Insolvent Companies,’ Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Said. ‘We Can’t Make Grants.’[/caption] If central bank is too concerned about getting its money back, it may shun weaker companies. Is This A Liquidity Crisis Or A Solvency Crisis? It Matters To Fed (#GotBitcoin?) Is…
The Cantillon Effect (#GotBitcoin)
Today I’m going to try and explain why the Fed and Congress, while attempting to throw money at everyone, disproportionately tends to aid certain narrow financial actors. The Cantillon Effect (#GotBitcoin) Three weeks ago, the government passed a giant multi-trillion dollar bailout. Supposedly, it was money for a host of…
Millions of Credit-Card Customers Can’t Pay Their Bills. Lenders Are Bracing For Impact (#GotBitcoin?)
Credit-card debt kept many consumers afloat. Now that the debt bubble is bursting, lenders and borrowers alike are preparing for pain. Millions of Credit-Card Customers Can’t Pay Their Bills. Lenders Are Bracing For Impact (#GotBitcoin?) [caption id="attachment_17364" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Florida Couple Migdalia Wharton And Robert Rodriguez Are Struggling With Their…
‘Furlough’: Time Off, Once Temporary, But Now Often Unclear (#GotBitcoin?)
What started four centuries ago as a voluntary break from work duties has become involuntary—and sometimes permanent. ‘Furlough’: Time Off, Once Temporary, But Now Often Unclear (#GotBitcoin?) Company after company in recent weeks has announced having to furlough many employees, whether retailers like Macy’s and Under Armour, entertainment giants like…
Banks Prevent Federal Reserve From Putting Money Where It’s Needed In The Economy (#GotBitcoin?)
After the last financial crisis, banks now hang back in lending and trading, meaning the Federal Reserve has less ability to get money where it’s needed in the economy. Banks Prevent Federal Reserve From Putting Money Where It’s Needed In The Economy (#GotBitcoin?) In September 2008, eight bank chiefs filed…
Survey: Lack of Knowledge Is Preventing Mainstream Adoption of Crypto (#GotBitcoin?)
Survey finds a lack of knowledge among the general public may be the biggest hurdle to mainstream crypto adoption. Survey: Lack of Knowledge Is Preventing Mainstream Adoption of Crypto (#GotBitcoin?) A survey published by peer-to-peer Bitcoin (BTC) marketplace, Paxful, has found that Americans with a working knowledge of cryptocurrency believe…
10 Financial Moves To Make If You Have Lost Your Job—or Fear You Will (#GotBitcoin?)
The wave of layoffs makes it imperative to have a financial plan in place, even if you’re still working. 10 Financial Moves To Make If You Have Lost Your Job—or Fear You Will (#GotBitcoin?) With tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs, the U.S. is approaching Depression-era levels of…
Blackstone Battered by Selloff; Gray Sees ‘Elongated Recovery’ (#GotBitcoin?)
Firm’s assets fall as value of energy holdings tumble, though e-commerce warehouses help real-estate business. Blackstone Battered by Selloff; Gray Sees ‘Elongated Recovery’ (#GotBitcoin?) Blackstone Group Inc.’s first-quarter results were hit hard by the coronavirus-led market selloff, and the firm’s president, Jonathan Gray, said he sees the economic recovery taking some…
Oil Price Memes And Jokes of 4-20-2020 Never Let A Good Oil Price Crash Go To Waste
Oil Price Drops Below The Price Of Cola. Oil Price Memes And Jokes of 2020 Never Let A Good Oil Price Crash Go To Waste The novel epidemic of coronavirus has caused mayhem globally and seriously damaged the global economy. The oil prices fell below USD zero on…
China Rolls Out Pilot Test of Digital Currency (#GotBitcoin?)
Milestone for world’s biggest central banks in path toward launching electronic payment system. China Rolls Out Pilot Test of Digital Currency (#GotBitcoin?) China’s central bank has introduced a homegrown digital currency across four cities as part of a pilot program, marking a milestone on the path toward the first electronic…