Dirty Electricity Meters
Don’t just take our word for it. You can now check for this pollution yourself! A special meter has been developed which can be plugged into an electrical outlet to determine the levels of EMF high-frequency pollution in your home or office both before and after using our Dirty Electricity Filters.
* Measures High Frequency Transients And Harmonics On Wiring
* Ignores 50/60 Hz Signal
* Simple To Use, Just Plug It Onto Electric Outlet
* Works On Both 60 Hz/120 Volt And 50 Hz/240 Volt Systems
* Recommend Readout Level Is Less Than “50”
* Extremely Easy To Use And Reliable
Our Dirty Electricity Meter is designed to measure only the high frequency noise which may exist in your electrical wiring.
The meter is very easy to use. Simply plug the meter into an electric outlet. The meter works equally well on standard outlets (2 prong, or 3-prong), and GFI outlets. It can also be used with surge suppressors, power strips or extension cords.
The readout of the meter gives an indication of how much high frequency pollution is in the wiring at the outlet where the meter is located. The higher the readout, the more high frequency pollution. The readout is not calibrated, but is very useful for making relative (comparison) measurements.
Ideally, the readout should be as low as possible. It is generally agreed that readings should be below 50. Notice that unplugging appliances may affect the reading.
When using the meter in conjunction with our Dirty Electricity Filters, plug the meter into the outlet first. Then add our filters to the same outlet and nearby outlets and watch the reading decrease.
The use of a power strip to increase the number of available outlets is useful when you need multiple filters to reduce the reading to the desired level.
The meter is re-usable. Can be used on 50/60 Hz, 110-230V systems. Covers 10 kHz to 100 kHz. Has standard 2 prong North Amercian plug, so you will need an adapter to use it outside of N. America.
Dirty Electricity Filter Installation Instructions
Our filters are very easy to install on your own. Follow these instructions to maximize filter effectiveness.
Note: Many homes may not have enough open outlets to install the number of filters needed to clean up the home. Purchase several power strips, plug your electronic devices into them, and install filters in the power strips as per the instructions below.
1. One filter should be installed in power strips where each of the following electronic devices is located:
* Hair Dryer
* Mixer
* Blender
2. Two filters should be installed in power strips where each of the following electronic devices is located:
* Personal Computer
* Laptop Computer
* Inkjet Printer
* Fax Machine
* Personal/Home Office Copier
* Entertainment Center (TV, VCR, DVD, Stereo, etc.)
3. Three filters should be installed in power strips where each of the following electronic devices is located:
* Laser Printer
* Large Office Copier
4. One filter should be installed in an outlet on each wall of the rooms you spend the most time in, especially bedrooms. Other rooms where this should be done may include living room, kitchen, den, etc.
5. Two phases of current are used to supply utility power to your home; “A” phase and “B” phase. One filter should be installed in an outlet on each phase of current as close as possible to the main electrical panel in your home. Most homes will have one electrical outlet dropped down directly from the main panel; installing a filter in this outlet will take care of one current phase. For maximum effectiveness, call your local electrician and have him/her drop another outlet down from the panel on the other phase, then install a filter in that outlet as well.
When these directions are followed, a sufficient number of filters should be installed to effectively clean up the average home.
Dirty Electricity Filter Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What Do These Filters Actually Do?
A. The filters remove or reduce high-frequency pollutants from the electrical wiring in your home/business.
Q. How Can I Tell If I Need These Filters?
A. If you and your neighbors have electronic equipment connected to electric outlets you need Dirty Electricity Filters. A handheld meter is available to measure the amount of high frequency noise in your wiring.
Q. How Many Filters Do I Need?
A. It usually takes 20 filters to effectively “clean up” an average home. Homes with more electronic equipment (i.e. computers, printers, fax machines, televisions) may require more filters. View our filter installation instructions (above) for more information.
Q. What Is The Lifespan of These Filters?
A. Our filters aren’t like oil filters that fill up with use. They are an electronic component and should last a lifetime.
Q. Do I Need An Electrician To Install The Filters?
A. No. Simply plug the filters into an electrical outlet or power strip. The filters are designed so that anyone can properly install them.
Q. How Do I Install These Filters In My Home?
A. View our filter installation instructions above.
Q. I Plugged In A Filter And It Started Humming. Should It Do This?
A. No. When a filter is humming it is overloaded. To resolve this problem simply plug in more filters. Remember, it takes 20 filters to clean up the average home. One or two filters cannot do the work of 20.
Customer Reviews:
Tested it on a full spectrum light bulb and reading went to 500!
William B. G.
The Meter worked just as promised and is a very good product that is priced right.
Dominic D.
Anyone who reads the blog ‘Limiting or Avoiding Exposure To Dirty Electricity (Protect Yourself And Your Family)‘, will want one of these.
RFD Northwood
Just when you thought your house was safe… might feel like that. But pollution from dirty power has been around for some time. The utility companies have been aware of this problem for years, though they do not talk about it much. I am electrically sensitive (I am affected (headaches, joint pains etc) by cell phones, wifi and so on) so I have done my research on this.
I bought the meter; my home was around the 80 to 90 mark, which is not that high. I installed some filters which brought it down to 20/25 units. The manufacturers suggest that below 50 is safe, professor Magda Havas says it needs to be below 40.
This is not something you buy and then put away in a drawer and forget about.
The key is to use the meter regularly because anything electrical (particularly dimmer switches, flat screen TVs ) can cause pollution. Being as we are forever buying new appliances, and your neighbors are too the readings will vary over time. I recently found a shower light that was giving me a reading of over 600 GS units because of a faulty transformer on a halogen light. I had the transformer replaced and my readings came back to normal.
Lloyd B. “Electrically-Sensitive“
Recommended Reading:
* Prevention and Detection of Electronic Harassment and Surveillance (PDEHS)
* How Do I Know If I’ve Been Bugged?
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