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How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer’s

In this article, I’m going to pick up where we just left off: Longevity.  How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer’s



In my video on the topic of sauna use, I suggested that hyperthermic conditioning might:

* Improve Athletic Endurance

* Prevent Muscle Atrophy

* Improve Insulin Sensitivity

* Increase Neurogenesis (The Growth Of New Brain Cells)

* Improve Learning/Memory

* Possibly Increase Longevity




A recent study (April 2015) was published in the Journal JAMA Internal Medicine, which showed that sauna use was in fact associated with longevity. The study recruited over 2000 middle-aged men in Finland and compared frequency of sauna use with sudden cardiac death, fatal coronary heart disease, fatal cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality including cancer over the course of 20 years.


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The study found that fatal cardiovascular disease was 27% lower for men who used the sauna 2 to 3 times a week and 50% lower for men who used the sauna 4 to 7 times a week compared with men who just used the sauna once per week.

Moreover, they found that using the sauna 2-3 times per week was associated with 24% lower all-cause mortality and 4-7 times per week 40%.

Before we get started…

Temperature is a very important parameter to discuss since there may be a lot of variation from one sauna to the next. The average temperature of the dry sauna used in this study was 79º C or 174º F (that is hot!), often with a splash of water poured over rocks to increase the humidity and for a duration up to or exceeding 20 minutes.

This means the results may not be directly applicable to steam rooms, hot tubs, and some other types of saunas, like infrared, which can operate at lower temperatures.

That doesn’t mean something that steam rooms, hot tubs, and infrared saunas have no merit, but it does mean that there are some subtle differences if you’re comparing them to these types of hot Finnish saunas used in the study.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Some of the positive benefits of the sauna on heart health may have to do with similar benefits seen with regular physical exercise. Heart rate may increase up to 100 beats per minute during moderate sauna bathing sessions and up to 150 beats per minute during more intense warm sauna use, which is pretty fast, and in the latter case corresponds to moderate-intensity physical exercise. It is not surprising that long-term sauna use has been shown to generally improve blood pressure, endothelial function, and left ventricular function.



Frequent Sauna Use Associated with Lower Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Using the same population of men, another study published in Dec. 2016 found that using the sauna 4-7 times per week lowered the risk of dementia by 66% and Alzheimer’s disease by 65% compared to men that used the sauna once a week. This study included over 2,000 middle-aged men that were followed for 20 years.

The results were adjusted for many possible confounding factors including baseline age, alcohol consumption, BMI, physical exercise, socioeconomic status, systolic blood pressure, smoking status, type 2 diabetes, previous heart attack, resting heart rate and serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Sauna Reduces Mortality and Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of Heat Shock Proteins

I think there are a couple of good molecular explanations for how sauna use may influence longevity and decrease Alzheimer’s disease risk. First, we’ll turn to a topic we discussed previously: heat shock proteins (also known as HSPs). Heat stress like sauna use or even or even exercise (to a lesser extent) activates genes that make more HSPs.

Heat shock proteins have many important functions inside the cell.

One very important function is to make sure proteins, which do all of the biological work in the cell, keep their proper 3-dimensional structure in the cell when under stress, whether we’re talking about stress from heat or other stressors like exposure to ultra-violet radiation from the sun, cell injury, or even the aging process, in general.

Maintenance of protein structure is critical for each protein’s ability to do its specific function, and it is also important for the longevity of the protein.

Normal metabolism and normal immune function, in other words, “just being alive,” create reactive byproducts (called reactive oxygen and nitration species), which damage proteins and disrupt their structure.

This not only interrupts the function of those proteins, preventing them from doing their work but also can lead to protein aggregation. The damage from these reactive byproducts accumulates with age and contributes to the normal aging process.

Protein aggregation is associated with cardiac diseases including heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and atherosclerosis as well as with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.

Increased expression of heat shock proteins has been shown to prevent protein aggregation because HSPs help repair proteins that have been damaged. HSPs have also been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s Disease.

It has been shown that being acclimated to the heat, such as from regular sauna use, results in more heat shock proteins under normal conditions and even more under stressful conditions such as cell and tissue injury. This is good because as we age we make fewer HSPs so anything to boost them is beneficial.

So since we know that HSPs are awesome because they help us resist stress of both the exceptional variety such as in injury, as well as the everyday variety that is associated with aging, perhaps you won’t be surprised that the effects of heat stress on longevity have been shown in flies and worms to increase their lifespan by up to 15%.

The mechanism of lifespan extension was also teased out in these organisms and shown to be specifically dependent on heat shock proteins. Heat shock proteins have also been linked to human longevity. Humans with a gene polymorphism associated with producing more of a certain heat shock protein is associated with being a centenarian.




Figure 1: Heat Shock Proteins Repair Damaged Proteins

The same damage that damages DNA also damages proteins. This damage disrupts their 3D structure and leads to protein aggregation, which can lead to neurodegenerative diseases.

Heat Stress induces the production of more heat shock proteins, which repair damage that is inflicted on proteins inside the cells and prevent protein aggregation.

Sauna Reduces Mortality: Role of FOXO3

In addition to HSPs, FOXO3 is another molecular pathway that may explain how using the sauna could improve longevity. Foxo3 is a gene that is associated with longevity, and, indeed, heat stress (such as from using the sauna) activates FOXO3.

Humans with a polymorphism that makes more of foxo3 have up to a 2.7-fold increased chance of living to be a centenarian and In mice, having more of their homologous version of this gene can extend their lifespan by up to 30%!

The mechanism by which FOXO3 increases longevity has to do with the fact that it is a master regulator of many different genes. When it is on, it increases the expression of several genes that make you more resilient various types of stress that occur with aging. Many of the genes that FOXO3 increases happen to decrease with age, so it is good to boost their expression.

One particularly important type of stress that FOXO3 protects against is DNA damage. The same type of reactive byproducts (from normal metabolism and immune function) that damage proteins in the cell also damage DNA. DNA damage can lead to mutations and a damaged cell with a mutation may then replicate to form cancer.

Foxo3 increases the expression of DNA repair genes that repair that damage to DNA so that a mutation never occurs. It also increases the expression of genes that kill cell damaged cells so that they do not become cancer cell.

FOXO3 also makes cells more resilient to damage by increasing the expression of genes that combat this damage including antioxidant genes (which are much more potent than dietary antioxidants) and prevent the damage from reaching the cell.

When a cell becomes damaged or its telomeres become critically short, the cell can become senescent (which means the cell does not die but it is not alive either) and it just sits around causing more damage because a senescent cell releases pro-inflammatory cytokines and other factors that damage more cells.

Well, foxo3 increases genes involved in autophagy, which means the cell will eat itself up so that it is not secreting inflammatory molecules that damage more cells.

FOXO3 also increases the expression genes involved in immune function (which declines with age) so that your immune cells can fight off bacteria, viruses and cancer cells better. FOXO3 also regulates genes involved in metabolism and stem cell function just to name a few!


Figure 2: FOXO3 Increases DNA Repair

DNA damage occurs everyday and can lead to breaks in both DNA strands (called double-strand breaks). This type of DNA damage is very dangerous because it is the most difficult to repair and leads to mutation that are known to cause cancer.

Heat stress activates FOXO3, which increases the production of genes that produce DNA repair enzymes to repair this damage so a cancer-causing mutation does not occur.

What About Duration, Frequency, And Timing Of The Sauna?

If the sauna is a traditional dry or wet sauna that is somewhere between 170 180 F (77- 82 C) then a duration of 20-25 minutes is what most studies have shown to be beneficial. I typically stay in for this amount of time.

As for frequency, I mentioned the dose-dependent effect on all-cause mortality 4-7 times per week was better than 2-3 times per week. The 66% reduction in Alzheimer’s risk was found in men that used the sauna 4-7 times per week.

In terms of timing, either before or after a workout, most studies I have read were done either after a workout or on days with no workout. I tend to do both of these. Practically speaking doing the sauna immediately before a workout seems awful. Who wants to be drenched in sweat and exhausted before the start of a workout.

Different Sauna Types

Dry Sauna, Wet Sauna, Infrared Sauna, Far Infrared Sauna

A dry sauna typically refers to a wood-paneled room with wooden benches and a heater that heats up the air anywhere between 70 and 90°C (158-194°F). In a wet sauna (or Finnish sauna), water is poured onto hot rocks, which produces steam and raises the humidity to about 20%. Dry saunas are essentially the same as Finnish saunas but without the steam.

In both dry and wet saunas, the heat is transferred from the air to the body.

The major difference between dry or wet saunas and infrared saunas is that a dry or wet sauna heats the air and this heat is transferred from the air to the body whereas an infrared sauna use thermal radiation, which is electromagnetic radiation that is generated by moving particles in matter, and in this case, the matter happens to be our bodies.

So infrared saunas heat the body directly without necessarily warming the surrounding air. The air does get heated but not nearly as hot as a traditional dry sauna.

There are two main types of infrared saunas – infrared and far-infrared..I’m not going to go too much into this but infrared saunas use infrared heat lamps which use incandescent bulbs to produce thermal radiation primarily near-infrared wavelengths, with lesser amounts of middle infrared wavelengths.

Far infrared saunas use ceramic or metallic heat elements that mainly emit energy in the far-infrared range (which is similar to the sun).
I’ve seen much more marketing claiming that infrared saunas induce more sweating than actual science…in fact, I’ve personally experienced the opposite effect.

All the benefits that I have discussed today have to do with heat stress and physiological adaptations that occur as a consequence of heat stress.
I think infrared saunas are great, particularly far infrared because there is more science showing some positive effects on cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, for the home, I think infrared saunas pose much less of a fire hazard than a dry sauna…but I still don’t buy into much the sales marketing I’ve read about them.

Use of Sauna and Cold to Increase Net Resilience, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Mood and Longevity


The presentation above was filmed in Helsinki, Finland where I presented on sauna use and cold stress and talked about how these modalities may be a way to achieve an increase in net resilience and how this can pour into many different areas: possibly increased longevity and mood… and if we look at the molecular evidence, maybe neurodegenerative diseases as well.


Updated: 4-25-2023

Empty Ice-Cube Trays And Shrieks: Cold Therapy Comes To The Family Bathtub


How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's


Amateurs test alleged health benefits of ice-water bathing; ‘we just thought he was insane’.

Justin Mullner, a 40-year-old doctor, emptied his family’s two ice makers into the bathtub at his home in Orlando, Fla., added cold water, checked the temperature with a thermometer, stripped down to his swim trunks and hopped in.

His wife, Blair Heinke, heard him screaming less than a minute later. “I thought he was a wimp,” said Dr. Heinke, a former marathoner. “The ice cubes all melted. That’s not cold.”

How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's

Ice-water bathing once was the bone-chilling specialty of Scandinavian health fanatics and pro athletes with aching muscles.

Now, thanks to social-media influencers such as Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof, aka “Iceman,” actress Gwyneth Paltrow and ultramarathoner David Goggins, it is having a mainstream moment.

Amateurs like Dr. Mullner are checking out for themselves the alleged health benefits of cold-water immersion, including stress reduction and boosted energy.

But first, many have to surmount a problem. Unlike Mr. Hof, they don’t have a glacial lake nearby to plunge into.

Instead, they are taking cold showers, filling kiddie pools with ice or cannonballing into backyard pools in the winter. They are posting videos of themselves climbing into trash cans and large freezers filled with ice water.

Willie McKenzie, 38, who runs a cannabis company in Bear Lake, Mich., said Mr. Hof’s ice-cold outdoor exploits seemed like an antidote to the malaise of everyday life, with its lack of physical challenges.

“You don’t have to hunt for food. You don’t even have to go to the grocery store,” Mr. McKenzie said. “I think a lot of people are feeling this way.”

He decided to give his own routine a cold jolt. The main problem was finding a place to immerse his 6-foot, 215-pound frame in ice water. Mr. McKenzie said he didn’t want to pay $5,000 for the ice-bath tub he found online.

So he bought a 180-gallon trough for feeding cows and horses and installed it on his porch, next to the hot tub.

He gets up at 4 a.m. to record himself bathing in ice water with a rubber duck while sharing his thoughts. Sometimes he needs two or three takes to get things right.

Before winter arrived, he was buying 60 to 80 pounds of ice every other day at the local gas station. That wasn’t sustainable, he said, so when it warms up, he plans to buy a pricey tub with its own chiller.

His wife, Lucy McKenzie, stays snug in bed. “It’s almost annoying how consistent he is with it,” she said.


How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's


Robert Allan, a researcher at the Centre for Applied Sport Physical Activity and Performance at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, U.K., said cold-water bathing can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians.

Along with ancient Greeks and Romans, the Egyptians used cold therapies for health, he wrote in a study published last February in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Athletes, he said, have used cold therapy in recovery since the 1960s.

Matt Goddard, 32, a fitness trainer and former professional boxer in Hampshire, U.K., said he used to do squats to warm up before dunking up to his neck in a tub of cold water.

These days, as the father of two young children, he settles for a cold shower.

“It’s this psychological battle that’s happening in the space of 30 seconds,” he said. “It feels like you’re conquering yourself every time you do it.”

His wife, Rebecca Riley, 30, said she loves a hot shower. But after years of listening to Mr. Goddard tout the health benefits, she started jumping into cold showers every so often to wake herself up.

Mr. Hof, the Iceman, would approve. “Learning to have a cold shower, gradually going longer, is a superb sensation of our primordial inner nature,” he said.

Marcus Carlsson, 42, said he is glad the rest of the world is warming up to the ice bathing he grew up with in a subarctic archipelago in northern Sweden.

For years after marrying his American wife, Vanessa Carlsson, 38, he tried to re-create in warmer climates the cold-water conditions he was accustomed to.

At Christmas, when they visited her mother in Florida, he would dive into the outdoor pool first thing in the morning. It was cold, but not Swedish cold. Her mother, originally from Colombia, would scream out the window in shock.

“He tried to explain that it was good for inflammation, to wake yourself up, that it was a dopamine hit,” said Ms. Carlsson. “We just thought he was insane.”

The two met while studying in Barcelona and have lived in Abu Dhabi, New York and England. Everywhere they lived, Ms. Carlsson said, she had to adjust to her husband’s showering quirks.

“When I go in after him, it’s all the way on cold,” she said. “You have to wait until it warms up.”


How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's


Two years ago, they moved back to Northern Sweden. Mr. Carlsson is back to ice bathing he was raised on, dipping into holes cut into the ice by the local municipality. His friends roll around naked in the snow.

“He feels more at home here,” Ms. Carlsson said.




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About Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Perciavalle Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis TN. She also has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition. She did her graduate research at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital where she investigated the link between mitochondrial metabolism, apoptosis, and cancer. Her groundbreaking work discovered that a protein that is critical for cell survival has two distinct mitochondrial localizations with disparate functions, linking its anti-apoptotic role to a previously unrecognized role in mitochondrial respiration and maintenance of mitochondrial structure. Her dissertation findings were published in the 2012 issue of Nature Cell Biology.

Dr. Patrick trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute with Dr. Bruce Ames. She investigated the effects of micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) inadequacies on metabolism, inflammation, DNA damage, and aging and whether supplementation can reverse the damage. In addition, she also investigated the role of vitamin D in brain function, behavior, and other physiological functions and has published papers in FASEB on how vitamin D regulates serotonin synthesis and how this relates to autism and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

Dr. Patrick has also done research on aging at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences. At the Salk, she investigated what role insulin signaling played in protein misfolding, which is commonly found in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

She frequently engages the public on topics including the role micronutrient deficiencies play in diseases of aging, the role of genetics in determining the effects of nutrients on a person’s health status, benefits of exposing the body to hormetic stressors, such as through exercise, fasting, sauna use or heat stress, or various forms of cold exposure, and the importance of mindfulness, stress reduction, and sleep. It is Dr. Patrick’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach.


* Vitamin D and the Omega-3 Fatty Acids Control Serotonin Synthesis and Action, Part 2: Relevance for ADHD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Impulsive Behavior FASEB Journal
* Vitamin D Hormone Regulates Serotonin Synthesis. Part 1: Relevance for Autism FASEB Journal
* Requirement for Anti-Apoptotic MCL-1 in the Survival of BCR-ABL B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Blood
* Delving Deeper: MCL-1′s Contribution to Normal and Cancer Biology Trends in Cell Biology
* Anti-Apoptotic MCL-1 Localizes to the Mitochondrial Matrix and Couples Mitochondrial Fusion to Respiration Nature Cell Biology
* Ubiquitin-Independent Degradation of Anti-Apoptotic MCL-1 Molecular and Cellular Biology
* Opposing Activities Protect Against Age-Onset Proteotoxicity Science


Updated: 3-22-2022

Major Breakthroughs In Aging (Longevity) Research You Must Know About!







Is it possible to cure aging, meaning to prevent the damage that occurs to cells that leads to so much suffering in the elderly? Is it possible to fortify the body so that it can exist in its healthiest form for hundreds, or even thousands of years?

Large swaths of the scientific community believe that this is not only possible, but it might be possible within our lifetime, and HUGE amounts of money are now pouring into this research.

Aging research has always existed, but what’s changed is that recently there have been some MAJOR breakthroughs.

We’re Going To Look At Three:

* Successful Interventional Studies That Have Extended The Lifespans Of Animals
* Methylation Clocks
* Cell Reprogramming


Updated: 4-17-2022

One Way To Live Longer: Stop Worrying About Getting Old


How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's


New book, ‘Breaking the Age Code,’ aims to reframe how we think about aging, promises benefits.

Want to live an extra seven years? Think nice things about old people.

A new book on the psychology of aging argues that positive beliefs about growing old can add an average seven-and-a-half years to a person’s lifespan.

Such good thoughts give the mind greater power over longevity than steps like lowering blood pressure (which adds roughly four years, according to the book), cutting cholesterol (four years), quitting smoking (three years) or losing weight (one year).

Becca Levy’s “Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long & Well You Live,” uses scientific research to explore the impact of negative age beliefs on memory and hearing loss, cardiovascular issues and dementia.

What she found was a startlingly powerful mind-body connection, which is sometimes worsened by ageism and negative stereotypes about the elderly that can sabotage one’s future.

“When it comes to how we age, society is often the cause,” she writes, “and biology the result.”

The book released last week offers hope for those who feel discouraged by the effects of aging, showing how people can improve their health by shifting their outlooks. It outlines what individuals and society can do to counter misconceptions about growing old.

It examines cultures that revere the elderly, argues that genetics aren’t necessarily destiny and shows how physical accomplishments are possible even in old age.

How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's

Dr. Levy is a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and a psychology professor at Yale University. She recently spoke with The Wall Street Journal about her findings.

The following is an interview condensed and edited for clarity.

How Do Negative Thoughts Affect Health In Older People?

People who take in more-positive age beliefs from their culture tend to eat healthier diets, exercise more, and they are more likely to take prescribed medications.

When we strengthen positive age beliefs, people tend to have lower levels of different kinds of stress biomarkers—lower levels of cortisol over time, lower cardiovascular response to stress. And we have found evidence that they have higher levels of well-being and self-efficacy that can lead to beneficial health changes over time.

You Challenge Assumptions About Old People And Memory. Is The “Senior Moment” A Myth?

The term is often used for labeling any kind of forgetfulness, which we know we can experience at any age. There are a lot of different reasons for it—somebody was distracted or stressed or angry—that can reduce our ability to encode information.

Some studies show that the ability to remember vocabulary and metacognition, or the ability to intentionally think about your own thought processes, can improve in later life. I talked with people for the book who showed some impressive examples of later-life cognitive mastery, like the 84-year-old actor who memorized the 60,000-word poem “Paradise Lost.”

Given The Harm That Can Come From Getting Set Aside And Labeled As “Elderly,” Would It Be Better If We Did Away With Things Like Early-Bird Specials And Senior Discounts?


How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity & Prevent Alzheimer's

If we are celebrating older people as having contributed to society and we want to find ways to recognize that and give them a little benefit, that seems like it could be a good thing, as long as it’s done in a way that is respectful.

There are other things I’ve seen that infantilize older people, like a menu my parents showed me with a section that said, “For people over 65 and under age 12, these are the recommended foods.” It’s the way that we give meaning to age that’s worth considering.

Should We Treat Negative Age Beliefs With The Same Urgency As We Would A Virus?

Treating it as a public-health issue seems important, so yes. It would be great if there was a public-health campaign to let people know the harm that the negative messages of aging can have on our health. Healthcare providers could check our age beliefs when we come for appointments and give us advice on how to strengthen them.

The Book Includes The Observation That The First Very Old Person Many Medical Students Meet Professionally Is A Cadaver In An Autopsy.

Right now, pediatrics is required in most medical schools but geriatric rotations are often not. So I think increasing education around how best to treat older people and promote healthy aging could be an important step to reducing ageism in medical settings.

Has The Pandemic Set Back The Fight Against Ageism?

From the studies I’ve seen, there has been an increase in ageism, unfortunately, during the pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic there was this popular meme calling Covid-19 the “Boomer Remover” that mocked the idea of older people dying of coronavirus.

How Old Can The Human Body Get?

The longest living person on record is Jeanne Calment, who lived to 122.

There are controversies among demographers over whether that’s the age limit or how much further we could get. Today, the longest living person, Kane Tanaka, is 119. Everybody is counting the days. She’s a Japanese supercentenarian who embraces aging and benefits from a culture that often integrates and celebrates its elders.

In Your Book, You Write That The Elderly Are More Likely Than Young People To Dream About Their Friends. Why Is That?

Some studies have shown that emotional intelligence can improve in later life. There’s also research to suggest that people’s motivations change as they get older. They tend to think about contributing to society and contributing to others more as a motivation. Maybe these factors come together to influence our dreams.

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