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Poor Cyber Practices Plague The Pentagon (#GotBitcoin?)

Good day, CIOs. Or perhaps we should say, goodbye, because the results are in from a U.S. Government Accountability Office cybersecurity study of the Defense Department’s newest weapons systems. They are not encouraging. “DOD likely has an entire generation of systems that were designed and built without adequately considering cybersecurity,” states the report, which compiled data on tests conducted on weapon systems from 2012 to 2017. NPR runs through the highlights (or lowlights)​ of the findings. Among the factors contributing to the poor cyber showing: Talent shortages, bad password management practices and system complexity. Poor Cyber Practices Plague The Pentagon

Pass The Buck. “When problems were identified, they were often left unresolved. The GAO cites a test report in which only one of 20 vulnerabilities that were previously found had been addressed. When asked why all of the problems had not been fixed, ‘program officials said they had identified a solution, but for some reason it had not been implemented.'”

Password Fail. In one case, a test guessed an administrator password in nine seconds. Software in a number of weapon systems still employed the default passwords.

Talent Loss. “One issue facing the Pentagon, the GAO says, is the loss of key personnel who are lured by lucrative offers to work in the private sector after they’ve gained cybersecurity experience.”

Unstable Tech. “In several instances, simply scanning the weapons’ computer systems caused parts of them to shut down.”

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